returns an length n array of hex strings. The 0th color is the same as the input hexString, while the others are colours corresponding to an eve turn around the colour wheel. If n is 3 for example, the two other colours would represent a 1/3 and 2/3 rotation of the colour wheel.
returns an length n array of hsl Vector3. The 0th color is the same as the input hsl, while the others are colours corresponding to an eve turn around the colour wheel. If n is 3 for example, the two other colours would represent a 1/3 and 2/3 rotation of the colour wheel.
returns an length n array of rgb Vector3. The 0th color is the same as the input rgb, while the others are colours corresponding to an eve turn around the colour wheel. If n is 3 for example, the two other colours would represent a 1/3 and 2/3 rotation of the colour wheel.
returns a length n array of Vector3 colours. colours are the ones formed from the linearGradient(n/(numColours-1), color1, color2) for all colours color1, color2, ..., colorN
returns a rounded, length n array of Vector3 colours. colours are the ones formed from the linearGradient(n/(numColours-1), color1, color2) for all colours color1, color2, ..., colorN